Wilderness Canoeing, Fishing, and talking Biblical Manhood. Part 1.

Two men canoeing and fishing in the wilderness, talking about transcendence, God, the Bible, and masculinity. What could go wrong? Or right...

Topics discussed:

what is a man?; our burden for men and masculinity; competing definitions of human personhood; cultural view of men, transcendence and immanence, the Bible and manhood

Wilderness Canoeing, Fishing, and talking Biblical Manhood. Part 2

Two men canoeing and fishing in the wilderness, talking about transcendence, God, the Bible, and masculinity. What could go wrong? Or right...

Topics discussed: men, God, fishing, canoeing, wilderness, God's design for men, the Bible


Huge wilderness Pike, what does Genesis 1-3 say on manhood? Quetico Part 3

Topics discussed: men, God, fishing, canoeing, wilderness, God's design for men, the Bible, Genesis 1-3 on Manhood

Lake Trout from a canoe, marooned on an island, talking about sin and God. Quetico Part 4

Topics discussed: lake trout fishing, bad weather, what is sin, how does God respond to sin, forgiveness, hope, the gospel, Jeremiah 18-20


Warrior God, Warrior Men: discussions about God and men in the wilderness.

Will men fight for what is right? The Bible presents God as a warrior, and men bear that image uniquely.


Pitfalls of a Man: discussions from the wilderness

The masculine soul is unique, and certain pitfalls waylay the hearts of men. What are they? How do we identify them? What do we do about it?

What are the responsibilities of a Biblical man? discussions from the wilderness

God has asked specific and unique things of men, certain responsibilities they are to carry out. What are they? Why does God command them?


Wounds of a man: discussions from the wilderness

The masculine soul is unique, and certain things strike the heart with unusually heavy blows. What are they? Where do they come from? How do we recover?

How I encouraged a young man on the masculine journey.

Do men in your life encourage you toward a vibrant masculinity? Here's how one man sought to encourage another.

Masculinity is bestowed.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today," so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. Hebrews 3:13


Brandon, his son Brody, and their friend Sam, go mule deer hunting in the badlands of North Dakota. Brandon and Sam talk with Brody about hunting, becoming a man, and eternal perspective. The hunting isn't easy with a six year old... for any of us.

#outdoorsmanapologist #eternalperspective #teachingboystobemen

Two men, 1 boy, mule deer hunting in the badlands of North Dakota. Passing masculinity, hunting, and the faith on to the next generation.

Topics include:

  • Dealing with disappointment in hunting and life.

  • Eternal perspective

  • Celebrating others success


North Dakota Slough Duck Hunt!! Followed by discussion on how to understand the Bible.

Brandon and Sam hunt a flooded slough packed with ducks! There's good shooting, bad shooting, hilarity, and some serious conversation about how to interpret the Bible rightly and wrongly.

Topics discussed: argumentation, law of non-contradiction, understanding the Bible, bad shooting - good shooting


North Dakota Diver Duck Hunt

Brandon, Sam, and 6 yr old Brody hunt ducks in the snow wind, and waves. Sam cooks duck with one of his favorite recipes Brandon gives the cosmological argument for the existence of God.

Pike Spearing Promo